
The count() function can be used to either count the elements of an array or “something inside an object”. The latter means that the count() function delegates the actual counting operation a method when used on an object. This object needs to implement the Countable interface for this to work:

$array = [1, 2, 3];

$object = new stdClass;

class C implements Countable
    public function count(): int
        return 0;

$object = new C;

Using count() on an object that does not implement the Countable interface returns 1 and triggers a warning. Executing the code shown above will print the output shown below:

PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object
that implements Countable in ...

In previous versions of PHP is_array() and instanceof had to be used to determine whether a variable can be passed to count() without triggering that warning:

if (is_array($variable) || $variable instanceof Countable) {
    // count($variable) can be used

Thanks to the new is_countable() function, the code shown above can now be replaced with

if (is_countable($variable)) {
    // count($variable) can be used