Scalar Type Declarations

The ReflectionParameter class represents a function or method parameter. The hasType() and getType() methods have been added to support scalar type declarations. Consider the interface shown below:

interface I
    public function m1(string $a): int;
    public function m2(C $c): C;
    public function m3($p);

Using the hasType() method we can query whether a parameter has a type declaration:

$m1 = new ReflectionMethod(I::class, 'm1');


$m3 = new ReflectionMethod(I::class, 'm3');


Executing the code shown above will print the output shown below:


Using the getType() method we can query the type of a parameter. The result is an object of the new ReflectionType class:

$m1 = new ReflectionMethod(I::class, 'm1');

var_dump((string) $m1->getParameters()[0]->getType());

$m2 = new ReflectionMethod(I::class, 'm2');

var_dump((string) $m2->getParameters()[0]->getType());

Executing the code shown above will print the output shown below:

string(6) "string"
string(1) "C"

The methods getClass(), isArray(), and isCallable() of the ReflectionParameter class that already existed in PHP 5 continue to work in PHP 7.

As of PHP 7.1, the new ReflectionNamedType::getName() method should be used to retrieve the name of a type instead of simply casting the object to a string:

function f(int $x): void

$p = new ReflectionParameter('f', 'x');


Executing the code shown above will print the output shown below:

string(3) "int"

The ReflectionType::__toString() method was deprecated in PHP 7.1. This was due to the introduction of nullable types in that version of PHP. The alternative would have been to change the implementation of ReflectionType::__toString() to return ?int instead of int, for instance. This would have broken code that relied on ReflectionType::__toString() to only return the name of the type without the optional ? prefix for nullability. The broken – because it was not updated for nullable types – implementation of ReflectionType::__toString() was kept for backwards compatibility reasons.

The deprecation of ReflectionType::__toString() was only documented in the PHP manual. The implementation of this method was not changed to trigger an E_DEPRECATED notice. This was because PHP 7.1 was not able to handle exceptions raised in the context of __toString() methods. The use of a custom error handler that converts E_DEPRECATED notices into exceptions would have led to a situation where an exception would have been raised in the context of a __toString() method.

As of PHP 7.4, __toString() methods are allowed to raise exceptions. The implementation of ReflectionType::__toString() has been changed so that using this method now triggers an E_DEPRECATED notice.

The implementation of ReflectionType::__toString() has been updated to correctly handle nullable types in PHP 8 and the method is no longer deprecated.

function f(?int $x): void

$parameter     = new ReflectionParameter('f', 'x');
$parameterType = $parameter->getType();


Executing the code shown above with PHP 7.4 will print the output shown below:

Deprecated: Function ReflectionType::__toString() is deprecated in ...
string(3) "int"

Executing the same code PHP 8 will print the output shown below:

string(3) "?int"

The ReflectionParameter::allowsNull() has been added in PHP 7.1 to check whether a parameter is nullable:

function f(?int $x): void

$p = new ReflectionParameter('f', 'x');


Executing the code shown above will print the output shown below:


Keep in mind that ReflectionParameter::allowsNull() also returns true when the parameter does not have a type declaration at all or when it is variadic. In case you need to check that a parameter has a type declaration and is nullable (but not variadic) you should use the following:

if ($parameter->hasType() &&
    $parameter->allowsNull() &&
    !$parameter->isVariadic()) {
    // ...

The hasReturnType() and getReturnType() methods have been added to the ReflectionFunction and ReflectionMethod classes to support return type declarations. getReturnType() returns an object of the new ReflectionType class:

$m1 = new ReflectionMethod(I::class, 'm1');

var_dump((string) $m1->getReturnType());

$m2 = new ReflectionMethod(I::class, 'm2');

var_dump((string) $m2->getReturnType());

$m3 = new ReflectionMethod(I::class, 'm3');


Executing the code shown above will print the output shown below:

string(3) "int"
string(1) "C"