Constructors of Internal Classes

Before PHP 7 several internal classes that ship with PHP exhibit a quite surprising behavior when invalid arguments are passed to their constructor. Rather than getting an exception as would be expected, PHP merrily emitted a warning and either returned null or otherwise continued with a broken instance of that class.

The following classes used to return null for invalid constructor arguments:

The best way to handle this in PHP 5 was by registering an explicit error handler converting the emitted warning into an exception.

    function($severity, $message, $file, $line, array $context) {
        throw new ErrorException(
            $message, 0, $severity, $file, $line

If that was not possible the only alternative was an explicit check for null:

$info = new finfo('invalid');
if ($info === null) {
   // error handling goes here

As of PHP 7, this will no longer work because an exception or error is thrown, which can be caught using a catch statement. For finfo and the example above, the adjusted code would look like this:

try {
    $info = new finfo('invalid');
} catch (TypeError $e) {
   // error handling goes here

In some other cases, PHP used to only emit a warning but continue with an unusable instance of the respective class. The following classes used to show this kind of behavior:

As neither of these classes – after emitting the warning – provided any additional means of noticing that the construction did not succeed, the only way to handle potential problems before PHP 7, again, is a custom error handler. After converting the warning into an ErrorException, it can then be thrown and caught using the usual try and catch.